This baby’s obviously completely safe..

This is an actual ad that I received this morning in my periodical “deals” email from I order from them a lot. They’re pretty good. But this ad made me chuckle. Someone in Meritline’s marketing department needs to be taken into an office, laughed at loudly, and fired.

At least the kid’s index finger will remain undamaged..


WordPress updated

Dhryland is now running WordPress v2.8.

Conan O’Brien pokes fun at Twitter

Found this amusing recently.

Whisher: Shared wifi? Surely you jest.

image Hot Brownload Award Every so often an idea surfaces which is so unparalleled in it’s stupidity that it boggles one’s mind almost into gibbering insanity. Whisher is one of those ideas. The premise is that you’re supposed to hook their software up into your home wifi connection. You then can become part of a network of free wifi spots aiding passers-by with their idle twittering or instant messaging. At this point, let me pause for effect. Okay, continuing on now.  What this truly means is that, while you’re still responsible to your ISP for all breaches of law committed through your paid-for internet access, you are still giving carte blanche for Whisher users to use your net connection to commit acts of terrorism, treason, piracy, the list goes on. Are you KIDDING me? If ever a program deserved a Dhryland Hot Brownload Award, this is it. It’s almost as bad as a cellphone OS that doesn’t support copy-and-paste, yeah? Almost.

This concept sucks so badly that I’m not even going to post a link to their site. If you want to find out more, the homepage URL isn’t too hard to guess.

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