Back.. sorta!

Finished the move to the new house. Stuff is strewn everywhere, in and out of boxes, but the most important stuff (the TV and my PC, aka Dhryland Central) is hooked up and ready to entertain. Still got a crapload of stuff to do but hope to get back to some sense of normalcy soon.

Offline for just a little while longer..

December and January have proved to be incredibly busy for me. The major issue has been moving house, and that was completed yesterday. All my stuff is still bubble-wrapped and/or still in moving boxes and it’ll probably take me two weeks to sift through and sort everything. Not sure when the home PCs and laptops will get hooked up – we have cable TV and internet getting activated tomorrow. Hoping to get a start on some blog posts mid-way through February. Stay tuned – I’ll still be twittering in the meantime (from cell or at work during lunchtime).

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